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Saturday, April 19, 2014

*** Cocoa Ravioli

  • 9 oz 00 flour (substitute 50/50 mix of bread flour and all-purpose flour if you can't find 00 flour)
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 oz cocoa powder
  • pinch of sea salt (or kosher salt)
  • 2 big artichokes
  • 3 oz fresh ricotta
  • 1 small bunch of fresh thyme
  • 1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese
KitchenAid directions: mix dry ingredients in mixing bowl. Whisk eggs separately, then incorporate using dough hook at speed 2. Once dough is well formed, remove from mixer and knead by hand until dough is leathery and elastic.

By hand directions: Whisk eggs in a separate bowl. Mix dry ingredients, place in a pile on clean, dry counter top. Make a well in the middle using three fingers. Pour the eggs into the well, and using your fingers, make circles in the eggs, gently brushing the inside of the well. This will slowly incorporate the dry ingredients into the eggs. Once the dough has mostly formed, scrape up any of the ingredients sticking to the surface and work into the dough. Knead by hand until dough is leather and elastic.

Once the dough has been kneaded, cover in plastic wrap. Let rest for 20 minutes or more.

For the filling, clean the artichokes. To do this, rip off the leaves one at a time, pulling at a 90 degree angle. Once all of the green outer leaves have been removed, use a paring knife to cut off the rough bits near the stem. Then use a vegetable peeler to continue to remove the tough green outer bits until you're left with the stem and the yellowish heart. Trim the end of the stem, then trim the pointy, tough leaves from the top. Split the artichoke down the middle, then cut out the choke, the fuzzy bit, from the middle. Thinly slice the artichoke heart.

Saute the artichoke heart with a bit of olive oil. Once it is cooked, put it in the freezer for about 10 minutes to cool it.

Meanwhile, combine the ricotta, parmesan, and fresh thyme leaves. Add the cooled artichokes in, then season with salt and pepper as needed.

Form the pasta sheets for the ravioli, then fill and close them.

Salt and boil a pot of water. Cook for 3-5 minutes, whenever they begin to float.

Toss with a bit of olive oil and finely grated parmesan. (Or you can saute with a little butter and salt).

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